Thursday, August 10, 2006
`Surgeon's Notes' First Ever Software Solution to Eliminate O.R. Transcription Needs
Information Tool Will Help Hospitals Meet JCAHO Standards
While Eliminating Transcription Costs
Surgical Information Systems announces the release of Surgeon's Notes, a new Paradigm software solution for the O.R. that will significantly improve hospitals' adherence to JCAHO Standards while saving an average of $30.00-$40.00 per case for most hospitals on surgery-related transcription costs.
Surgeon's Notes allows surgeons to create an Operative Report immediately following surgery, without the use of dictation or transcription, in less than 3 minutes of the surgeon's time. The software module is part of an integrated information system that covers "The Whole Operation," from pre-admissions through recovery.
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' (JCAHO) Information Management Standards require that an operative report be written or dictated in the medical record immediately after surgery (IM 7.3.2), and that the record be authenticated, or signed, by the surgeon immediately (IM in order to manage the patient throughout the postoperative period and ensure that pertinent information is available to the next caregiver. Based on the number of hospitals receiving JCAHO Type 1 recommendations, indicating insufficient or unsatisfactory compliance, it is apparent that meeting the standards is not always easy. Surgeon's Notes provides a quick, effortless way for surgeons to complete this task.
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