Wednesday, October 04, 2006
GIBS offers full package for low-cost insurance billing - Group Insurance Billing System - Management of HR Systems - Column
Group insurance billing for retirees and employees on leave can be an expensive and complex undertaking. Or it was up until now. The need to bill nonactive employees for insurance seems to grow each year. With more companies billing their retirees for insurance coverage and with ever increasing government legislation such as the Family and Medical Leave Act, companies of all sizes need a better way to process these payments. The proliferation of personal computers and the increase in their power now allow companies to administer third-party billing of insurance payments in-house. Keeping that in mind, Benefit Plan Systems Corp. developed its Group Insurance Billing System (GIBS) software package.
Insurance billing has become increasingly complex due to the multiple criteria used for calculating the insurance premiums. Age, years of service and tiered rate tables often must be reviewed together to determine the actual payment owed by a covered person. Add to this the myriad qualification criteria, staggered payment periods and dependent coverage, and it's no wonder companies have turned to usually expensive third-party administration to handle these billings. What GIBS has to offer
GIBS offers a relatively inexpensive alternative to process the group insurance billing needs for nonactive employees such as retirees and those on various leaves of absence that offer continued insurance coverage. All a company needs is a PC running DOS or OS/2 along with a letter-quality printer (preferably laser).
GIBS is complete in its coverage of insurance billing processes. The screens are clear and well-laid-out. The system enables the user to define an unlimited number of additional data elements to ease the customizing of each company's record keeping.
Setup is very straightforward. GIBS is installed from several floppy diskettes in a matter of minutes. The system, as delivered, is ready to go except for the data that define the participants and the rules for billing. These data components should not be minimized. The most time-consuming part of implementing any billing system is not installing it, but rather educating the system as to the data and processing rules for the covered groups. An experienced benefits administrator should be responsible for developing the codes and other information needed by the system.
Once the system is installed and the rules for processing are added to the systems tables, inputting the applicant and participant data can begin. Extensive tutorials are included with the system to allow for self-paced learning. A complete on-line help feature is part of the delivered system, and both screen- and field-level help are supported. The system also includes basic keyboard instructions.
GIBS refers to all participants newly added to the system as applicants, since it will use your user-defined criteria to determine whether coverage is warranted. Information can be entered using your PC or uploaded from other machine-readable sources that already contain your retiree/employee data. The upload feature is quite significant, since a user should take advantage of data contained in an automated system such as payroll or human resources to avoid manual input of data into a new system.
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