Sunday, November 19, 2006

Examining Medical Billing

I have found that the promise in the field of medical billing is not what it's

cracked up to be. Before investing in any medical billing and claims offers, call

medical offices listed in your local yellow pages and ask them several


1. What type of billing service do you use?

2. What software do you use?

3. Do any of your employees telecommute?

4. Do you use an independent billing service and can I have that number?

Now, call the independent billing service number and ask them questions 1

through 3.

Finally, call insurance agencies (using the yellow pages once again) and ask

them the exact same questions.

Most likely you will find disappointing answers. You may find that there are

large medical billings and claims facilities that do nothing but process billing

and claims and most doctors and insurance agencies use these companies. You

may find that the software used by these billing companies is custom designed

and programmed. You may find that this software costs anywhere from $699 to

tens of thousands of dollars. You may even find that many medical offices

wouldn't even think of sending or storing confidential medical information to

someone's home.

Think about this for a moment, would you feel comfortable if your medical

facility, your doctor or psychologist sent your personal confidential medical and

mental information over the internet, over the phone or in writing to the hands

of some stranger's home? Would you want your information sitting on the desk

of someone's home for anyone to see? Let's go further with this scenario, if

someone's medical information got out into the wrong hands (the media or

whomever) that institution or that doctor would be sued. And in my opinion the

patient would be in his/her full rights to do so!

I'm not saying that one cannot create a successful home-based medical billing

service. I am sure that there is someone out there doing just that. But I can

also say with great assurance that creating a medical billing home business is

not as easy as many of the courses, books and other advertised programs

state. From my research, it seems the ones that are most successful in this

venture had worked in medical billing as "employees" and had several contacts

in the medical field before diving into the medical claims business.

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