Monday, November 13, 2006

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Medical Billing Partner

If you feel your practice is busy enough to outsource your medical billing to a third party partner, you're making a smart choice. Just like any industry, there are medical billing partners that will fit the style of your practice and some that won't. To find the best fit for your practice, do a little research on what services a medical billing partner could provide that would be valuable to your practice.

Some physicians have been burned by doing business with medical billing companies that may have very good intentions and promised great results, but simply didn't have the on the job experience to handle the myriad of unusual conditions, unexpected situations, and fast moving changes (some coding numbers can change many times in one year, and a wrong coding number means delays in reimbursements) that can occur in the medical billing industry.

Outsourcing medical billing is a huge step for many practices, but by asking the right questions, you can ascertain how much experience and how much faster your claim payments will be reimbursed.

Find out how the medical billing company charges for their services and what services are included with that fee. A big question on most physicians' minds is if the medical billing firm is LLC HIPAA compliant and how securely is data transmitted? Find out if the medical billing company will provide credentialing of physicians as that is a great convenience.

How will your claims be tracked and how will rejected claims be handled? Get the information up front, remember the more questions you ask about how your practice's medical billing would be handled by the potential vendor, the happier you'll be with outsourcing your medical billing because you'll know how the work flow works and how you can expect reimbursements to be handled.

Now that you know the basics, increase your revenue flow to your practice and outsource your medical billing claims.

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