Monday, November 13, 2006

When To Use 58661 and 49322-59 in Your Medical Billing

Sometimes in medical billing it is difficult to decide when to use current procedural terminology codes 58661 and 49322-59. These codes, like many others seem similar, but in actuality, are quite different. When performing medical billing it is necessary to know when to use current procedural terminology code 58661 versus 49322-59.

There are several instances in medical billing where it seems as though several codes would fit the description. The truth is that most of the time there is only one possible current procedural terminology code that would explain a procedure best. It is important that the personnel that perform medical billing for your practice are educated on these slight differences. It could mean the difference between getting reimbursed on a claim or getting denied.

The medical billing code 58661 (laparoscopy, surgical; with removal of adnexal structures) is used when any part of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes are removed. For example, If a surgeon was doing a cystectomy of an ovarian cyst and ended up removing some of the ovary as well, they physician could do medical billing with 58661.

The current procedural terminology code 49322-59 (laparoscopy, surgical; with aspiration of cavity or cyst) should only be used for the aspiration of an ovarian cyst. If the cyst(s) were removed, this medical billing code would not be valid since it is for aspiration only.

There are several medical billing firms that are designed to keep your practice as profitable as possible. Their staff is trained about the different CPT and ICD-9 procedures for billing to get you the maximum reimbursements. By hiring a medical billing firm to file your claims, you are eliminating the responsibility of having to train your own staff about billing. Medical billing is a skilled process and should be handled by skilled professionals.

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